I'm so thankful for the word-of-mouth referrals that I've gotten from clients! As a thank you moving forward, I want to give back to those who help me grow this passion into a business!
How does it work?
In the questionnaire for sessions, there is a referral question. The client must name the referral there. Once the new client books and completes the session, I mark down a credit for the person who referred them!
What counts?
Any sessions, starting in August 2021! Does that include mini sessions? YEP! I believe referrals for any sessions, big or small, are helpful and when they have a good experience and love their photos, word spreads!
What do you get?
For every single referral, I will send a code for two free digital downloads. Once you've sent 5 referrals that have booked and completed their sessions, I'll send you a code for a free beach family or Carolina Bay family session! Wowzers! Those sessions come with 15 high-resolution edited downloads, a gallery to choose from, and a personalized app.